White Hat Tip: Leverage Email List to Increase Liker Count

facebook build audience

I’d like to share a quick tip that will help you grow your Facebook Liker count the white-hat way. Many new Facebook page owners fail to take advantage of tools Facebook has already built in to the site. The good news is that you don’t have to be a tech wiz to do this. All you need are the email addresses of your customers.

#1 Go to your Facebook page using an account that has admin privileges.

facebook build audience

#2 Click on the “Build Audience” Button at the top of the screen and click on “Invite Email Contacts”

#3 Next you’ll see a pop-up with many different email providers. Outlook, Mac OS X Address book, and other common desktop email programs are under the “Upload contact list file” section.

facebook build audience email

Even if you don’t have any of these programs or services, you can easily make the list yourself. Using a spreadsheet, put each email address in a different row and save it as a “.CSV” file. Both Excel and Google Drive’s spreadsheet programs can do this for you.

example csv


#4 Next you’ll see a pop-up that shows the address you are going to import. Click “Preview Invitation” to proceed.

facebook build audience email 2


#5 Click the “Send” button at the bottom of the page.

facebook build audience preview

If the email address is associated with a know Facebook user they will get a notification that they have been invited to Like your page. All other address will receive an email with the invitation you saw in the Preview screen.

Getting new Facebook Likers is literally that easy. The part you need to figure out is how to get those address in the first place.

Do you have any quick tips that can help new page owners build their audience? Add a comment below. Links to your blog posts are always welcome!